In with the new
Thank you all for your warm reception of the new free patterns! Reading your comments has been a bright spot in a dark December. I’m ready to look forward: after the way 2008 ended, 2009 just has to be an improvement. It’s already favored us with a glorious sunny day when rain was predicted:
And also with a windfall of wool and good books. I always stop into Island Wools when I’m up home, and today I went in knowing I didn’t need a thing, but eager to see the kind yarn store ladies and their latest goods. Browsing the local offerings, I uncovered three skeins of unmarked handspun. They were very different from the abundance of thick-and-thin, lanolin-sodden wool singles on offer from a spinner on Waldron Island. I liked them. I inquired about them. We entered into a little exchange of local trivia – the yarn was spun by Edie so-and-so’s former daughter-in-law, who moved off the island, but her sheep are still here; so-and-so is looking after them at that little place across from Portland Fair. They weren’t expensive, and in all there were sixteen ounces of DK or worsted weight–perhaps enough for a sweater if I threw in leftovers from my Amanda cardigan and a skein of chocolate Coopworth I have at home for yoke patterning. I bought them.
I saw the sheep in their pasture, and my best guess is that they’re natural colored Romneys. Medium-size, fluffy (not curly), small ears, chunky legs, dark faces (some with a splash of white), coats variegated from almost chocolatey to pale grey-beige. The yarn is oatmeal-grey, with deep brown fibers sprinkled richly through. It’s not merino, but it’s fairly soft and should be fine over a shirt.
Besides knitting sweaters like they’re going out of style (I have somehow committed myself to four sweaters for family on top of the ones I want to make for myself), here’s what I’m burning to do in 2009: walk part of the Camino de Santiago in Spain. I don’t know if it will even be possible, financially or time-wise, for us to journey to Europe this year, but I bought a book about it and the dreaming has commenced. What are your big dreams for this new year?