Gift bag goodness
As promised, a shot of my haul from yesterday’s cruise. Fall ’05 Vogue Knitting: check. Coupon for 10% off at The Point next month: check. Cascade 220 in a beautiful heathered red, Gedifra Stripes in citrus, Manetto Hill Fiero in blues and greens, and a shameless little tease of ArtYarns supermerino in a colorway I think is #137: check. (The ArtYarns thing is killing me – I’m in love with the color, which is shades of pinky browns, but this is definitely not enough yarn to make anything. Obviously I’m just going to have to buy more, but where to find it? Let the odyssey begin…)
Observe also the old-fashioned zinnias I picked out at the farmers’ market yesterday. They were a little token of affection for my husband, who completed his triathlon in a personal record time of 2 hours and 21 minutes. Way to go, honey! Anyway, I’ve always vaguely liked zinnias, but the big showy modern varietals aren’t something I can imagine growing myself. These adorable little zinnia buttons, however, have completely charmed me. I’m making room in my fantasy garden for a lovely big bed of them next to my fantasy house.
I also promised a picture that would show the colors of the sock.
In Firefox, these are skewing to red and yellow more than is accurate. Imagine the greens as grass shading to deep turquoise, with more rich blues shading to darkest navy. The purples are deeper, too. (My camera doesn’t handle greens and blues as well as I could wish.) In IE, it’s all going to show up really dark. Whatever. It’s a beautiful sock, and you’ll just have to take my word for it.