I *heart* our server, and also freelance work.
I’m dying to show you how the Raven mitts came out; my neighbor has been happily wearing them for ten days now. But due to some technical difficulties Chez Garter, I can’t access any of the pictures I took. They’re backed up, so if McGrumpy the server winds up needing an emergency trip through the mail to the server doctors and they erase everything (it’s happened before), all will not be lost. But I’ll need to beg your patience for a few more days.
In the mean time, I’d like to thank you all for your kind reception of the Axel mitts. I’ve been wearing Mitt the First around the house while trying to spin enough yarn to complete Mitt the Second. There’s plenty of roving left, happily. We’ll see if I can achieve anything like the weight and twist of the first lot six months after the fact – don’t hold your breath.
Not much knitting progress to report from the past week, unfortunately. The Fishtrap sleeves are creeping along and have reached about 10″ each, but I’ve been swamped with the world’s dullest work: indexing case files for one of my father-in-law’s malpractice suits. (He’s the one suing the delinquent lawyer, not the other way around. I’d like to sue the delinquent lawyer’s entire staff for incompetence and a failure to grasp the basic principles underlying chronology.) Anyway, five fat boxes stuffed with legal documents stand between me and a beautiful long weekend, and they make me want to weep. Can you tell I’m procrastinating by blogging about absolutely nothing when I should have my nose in a ream of worker’s comp claims? Sigh. Please send a career. Or at least some tasty alcoholic beverages.