Now where’s the sun?

Published on Thursday June 5th, 2008

Early May was scorching hot. The vegetable starts prostrated themselves in their pots; the cucumbers gave up the ghost entirely. Mosquitoes hatched and reveled at the feast of tender Portlanders exposing bare skin for the first time all season. When the thermometer soared past 90, I rushed to finish the sundress I was sewing: there’s no more comfortable hot-weather garb than short, full, cotton skirts, mosquitoes be damned. I inserted an invisible zipper. Signy and I made our first buttonhole together so I could secure the shoulder “tie” that wasn’t long enough to do its job. I wore this sucker to school on the hottest day of all. I even dragged Mr. G out the front door one sticky evening to take pictures:

Today I shiver just to look at these photographs. Now that June has arrived and we’re on the cusp of summer, it’s 52 degrees, rain is spitting at the windows, and the trees are flailing helplessly in a dour wind. I can only trust that one day it will be warm enough to drag this dress out of the closet again. Want the specs in case you live in the other Portland, or somewhere else that’s weathering 90-degree temperatures today?

Vogue pattern V8380

Alexander Henry fabric

This is my second sewn garment (the first — last summer — was a simple skirt), and by far the most technical project I’ve taken on. The skirt, cut to the pattern, was so blousy that I looked like a little child all stretched: Alice after the EAT ME cake. I ripped it off the bodice, lopped a good six inches of width off one side, and stitched it up again. It’s still more of an empire waist than I generally think flatters my figure, but it’s a lot better. And undeniably suitable for hot weather when you want the breeze to circulate as far up as possible. I expect to wear it often once the real summer returns (it has to, right?).

Tour de France Countdown

My favorite annual sporting event begins in Brest, France in exactly one month! I think there’s still space in the KAL if you hurry and sign up right now. I’ll be competing in the Green Jersey category, trying to complete my first contribution to Popknits by the time the cyclists reach Paris. I’m also Chef d’Equipe for Team Rabobank this year! Kate of Knights Don’t Knight is going to assist me and take the reins while I’m at Knitting Camp. I can’t wait to see who’s on our squad and what they’re knitting.

11 Comments to “Now where’s the sun?”

  1. Lisa Comment Says:

    It’s going to be in the 90’s here in NYC this weekend and I wish I had a little summery frock like that to keep me cool. It looks lovely on you – love the fabric.

  2. carrie Comment Says:

    I too like your fabric choice! It’s been miserable here too – there was that one apocalyptic weekend in mid-May (three weeks ago now) where we smashed through 100+ degree records… then the temperature plummeted to 10 degrees or more below normal, icky overcast skies, and wind. Today was FINALLY a nice day, mid-70s, though that is still more than 5 degrees below normal, and no sign of reaching that “average” temp until mid-next-week. Sigh. I am still using flannel sheets and a down comforter. I say, bring on the heat!!

  3. Casey Comment Says:

    I love that dress! It looks fabulous on you.

    I miss the sunshine too but I’m sure that a gorgeous Portland summer is right around the corner. At least that’s what I tell myself.

  4. Loribird Comment Says:

    Adorable dress! I like the modifications you made to it, it’s a good shape. Now here’s hoping you get the summer weather you need to wear it more often!

  5. Veronique Comment Says:

    I love that pattern! The striped ribbon and the flowery fabric go particularly well together. I might just copy you 🙂

  6. gleek Comment Says:

    ugh, i know! we’ve had a gloomy week here. i was hoping for more park time. it’ll be hot again before you know it and you can rock that dress all the time! it’s just lovely.

  7. Jessica Comment Says:

    Adorable dress! Am going to be in Israel sans sewing machine all summer, or I’d be locating myself a pattern on the internet right now.
    And you know, it often happens that when I sew from commercial patterns, I do everything right–measure my body, make the appropriate size for the measurements–and then thing comes out ginormous. Do you think we have different ideas of ease or something? I still continue to just follow the directions though, b/c I can always take it in, but it’s sorta annoying….
    Good job on sewing project #2! I’m impressed. 🙂

  8. Bells Comment Says:

    What a beautiful dress! It looks lovely on you. I am yet to make more than an apron and am a bit scared so I am impressed it’s your second garment!

    Oh and hello! Delighted to be on your team! Can’t wait!

  9. rebecca Comment Says:

    The dress, and you, are adorable! I’ve been scouring the internet for a good dress pattern for the summer and this might be it!

  10. Seanna Lea Comment Says:

    It just has to get warmer. I mean, in Boston we had 50s and rain during much of the week (cold enough that I dug out my light fleece jacket for a couple days), but it is in the low 90s right now. So, if the weather is like that in Boston, the warmer weather should be slowly getting everywhere soon enough.

  11. Nonnahs Comment Says:

    Sooooo cute! Love the fabric, the style, everything about it! I hope you have lots of warm weather ahead this summer to show it off!