February in September
Almost exactly one year ago, Jess and I started batting around the idea of an Elizabeth Zimmermann knitalong. We launched it and cast on for our projects. Today, Zimmermania is more than 500 members strong; new recruits rally to the banner every day. (Email me if you’d like to be among them. The banner is purely figurative, but if we actually had one it would read I AM THE BOSS OF MY KNITTING.) My own little EZ odyssey has brought versions of the Fishtrap Aran, the Rorschach Jacket, and two Baby Surprise Jackets into the world, and now I’ve added a February sweater to the ranks.
Sweater from “Some Babies’ Things,” February chapter of Knitter’s Almanac
Yarn: Dream in Color Smooshy Sock, colorway “In Vino Veritas”, well under 1 skein
Needles: US #4
Modifications: Because I was using a sock yarn, I cast on 57 sts to begin. Out of sheer laziness, not wanting to strain myself with too much math calculating how to adjust the garter yoke increases to suit, I opted to knit the yoke in stockinet and work raglan increases. I allowed too many stitches for the shoulder portions and ended up with enormous kimono sleeves, but they still look cute. And maybe it will be easier to stuff the wee recipient’s absurdly fragile little arms through. (I don’t know if mums and dads actually worry about this after the first few days of putting their new sprogs through more costume changes than a troupe of variety show actors, but I know that when my turn comes I’m going to be petrified that I’ll damage the tender little morsels trying to get them dressed. My babies may have to wear handknit togas until I’m convinced they’re sturdy enough to be manhandled into sweaters.)
But enough about that. Let’s see some cute buttons:
Aren’t they girly? Of course, flowers aren’t just for girls, no matter what faces Mr. Garter might make to the contrary:
(And yes, when you work on your own start-up you can toil in the hammock in the shade of the lilac tree. Of course, you’re in the hammock working on a national holiday when the rest of us are enjoying time to potter about the house assembling Ikea bookshelves, sewing buttons, blocking hats, and blogging about it all. But it’s no cause to make impolite gestures.)
There, that’s better:
I think the Japanese anemone nicely sets off his manly scruff, don’t you? (The self-employed don’t have to shave if they don’t feel like it, either.)
We’ll close with one last pretty flower picture:
Summer’s almost over. Let’s squeeze out every last drop.
Posted: September 3rd, 2007 at 1:27 pm
I love it, it’s really cute. I’m thinking of making one and I was thinking of doing the top portion in stockinette and now seeing your version has convinced me. I also love just the three buttons. Adorable!
Posted: September 3rd, 2007 at 1:56 pm
I want a “Bring Back Naptime” t-shirt! Almost as much as I want a banner that says “I am the Boss of My Own Knitting”!
Posted: September 3rd, 2007 at 3:30 pm
i love your take on the february baby sweater! great idea!
mr garter looks happy 🙂 i’m glad that he gets to take freelance to the next level. and yes, let’s bring back naptime, shall we? for both babies and grown-ups alike!
Posted: September 3rd, 2007 at 3:51 pm
three cheers for zimmermania! i’ve made two feb sweaters, and they are delightful gifts. and what a gent mr. garter is!
Posted: September 3rd, 2007 at 3:55 pm
Ah, lovely sweater, lovely flowers, lovely Mr. G.!
Posted: September 3rd, 2007 at 4:00 pm
That sweater is scrumptious! I really need to stop making excuses and build up my EZ library.
Posted: September 3rd, 2007 at 5:43 pm
Love that February jacket!! The little girl for whom it is intended is mighty lucky! Mr. G is looking nice and relaxed in that hammock – his shirt made me chuckle. I second the motion to bring back naptime.
Posted: September 3rd, 2007 at 6:14 pm
i think i was that way about my firstborn for almost a month! i was only 18 when she was born, so it was interesting. however, once we passed that point, and any babies after that? the fashion show was on! (my first MIL ADORED buying clothes at garage sales for her granddaughters (now daughter #2 RARELY wears a dress, gee i wonder why?))
Posted: September 3rd, 2007 at 8:37 pm
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I remember when Zimmermania was born and it has been such an entertaining and informative forum to follow.
This latest February Baby Sweater is just lovely. I am so happy to see a baby sweater in a bold, rich color. The poor things have to wear so many pastels.
Posted: September 4th, 2007 at 3:28 am
very cute – that is a great color and those buttons!!!!!!! my poor dad who has his own company always is working on weekends and holidays. I guess there are trade offs to becoming your own boss!
Posted: September 4th, 2007 at 6:22 am
Love the Feb. sweater color. Very lovely. I’m jealous of that hammock.
Posted: September 4th, 2007 at 8:08 am
The February sweater is so cute! (It has me contemplating an adult version!) Oh, and Mr. Garter isn’t too shabby either. 😉
Posted: September 4th, 2007 at 9:28 am
Can the self-employed also decide to include nap time into their daily routine if they so choose? I know I would if I were in that position.
Congrats on the anniversary of Zimmermania. I’ve been inspired by your projects and many others that have been a part of it.
Posted: September 4th, 2007 at 9:57 am
Much as I love the look of the garter yoke, that raglan yoke, simply by being something different, adds a whole new dimension to that pretty little sweater. (Not to mention the yummy yarn. Gorgeous!)
Happy anniversary Zimmermania! I owe you a debt there. I’d been meaning to pick up an EZ book for some time, but might not have gotten to it so soon where it not for the advent of this wonderful KAL.
On baby arms: I remember when I got to take my first home, I stared at him with a mixture of love and horror, looking at those tiny, fragile little limbs, and thinking, “And they expect me to know how to take care of this perfect, tiny little person and keep him alive?? We’re doomed!” Cardigans, though, especially with big sleeves, are a new mom’s best friend. I layered the heck out of each of my babies, and I still think a cardigan is the best gift you can give a new parent. With cardigans and a little more trust in myself after I’d weathered the first day, we were just fine. 😉
Posted: September 4th, 2007 at 11:39 am
I want that t-shirt! Seriously;)
Posted: September 4th, 2007 at 2:10 pm
I love that Feb. sweater! Those buttons are really too adorable! I hear you about being afraid to break the super little ones dressing them… there were a couple Debbie Bliss sweaters that I made for my daughter, but she never wore them because I was too afraid to put them on her! I think cardigans are a good solution for that too.
Posted: September 4th, 2007 at 3:34 pm
Those sweet February sweaters are never tiring to see in blogdom, no matter what month it is. Looks like an Echinacea flower that you closed with–they’re one of my favorites! They’re pretty and they attract finches, how can you go wrong?
Posted: September 4th, 2007 at 5:50 pm
Cute sweater and cute Mr. Garter! Thank you so much for Zimmermania! It’s one of my fav places to visit!
Posted: September 5th, 2007 at 5:51 pm
You ARE the boss of your knitting, with those freewheeling mods — well done. 🙂 And thanks for Zimmermania. I don’t exaggerate when i say it’s changed my knitting life.
Posted: September 6th, 2007 at 2:58 pm
Nice to see a small taste of cold weather beauty as summer draws to a close. That will be one stylish baby come Winter. 🙂
And thanks for Zimmermania too! I’m just an EZ newbie, but already after just a few rounds on a Seamless Hybrid I’m entranced. EZ is exactly how I would have imagined my Grandmother if she was a knitter, so I think that’s why I love her books so much.
Posted: September 6th, 2007 at 5:32 pm
OK, love the little sweater, and love that yarn. I was recently gifted a skein of Smooshy; you’ve given me something to think about!
Posted: September 7th, 2007 at 9:32 am
I just started knitting this and am already almost finished. Sometimes Miss Z. forgets to mention things like how she started her buttons holes several rows before where she wrote them into the pattern, but hey, next time. Since I went about two inches without button holes, I’ve decide to crochet them on after. Sometimes mistakes become the best design “choices!”
Posted: September 25th, 2007 at 7:01 am
I have been thrilled with the Zimmerman blog and so happy that you helped create it. My knitting has improved 100% since having so many “mentors” available to me. Since the onset of the blog I have bought almost all the Zimmerman books and two videos. What an incredible teacher, I wish I’ve known about her when she was alive, but I’m thrilled to help carry on her legacy. Thank you so much!
Posted: October 1st, 2007 at 2:11 am
[…] select linkid from link where url = “https://bluegarter.org/2007/09/february-in-september/” […]
Posted: October 1st, 2007 at 3:52 am
[…] February in September […]