Season’s progress

Published on Wednesday December 27th, 2006

I hope all who celebrated it had a joyeux noel, and that there were ample food and drink and chiefly harmonious interactions with relatives and plenty of yarn and knitting books under the tree. I meant to post to this poor neglected blog before the holidays, but the demands of the above (and of the press to finish the Yuletide knitting) kept me away from the computer. Now I’m in Colorado for a reunion with Mr. Garter’s family and — hopefully — for a little skiing. I have brought the Fishtrap Aran to crack away on, since another big storm is expected tomorrow and it may be a few days before we can get to the slopes. On the plane, I finished as much as possible of a rather retro brioche hat for the husband of the raven mittens neighbor, using my handspun of last July. Yes, I missed the Christmas deadline, but fortunately he has a birthday on January 3. I also worked up the first of my Axel fingerless mitts in the teal handspun. Quick, quick knitting, those mitts. The second should be done in no time. Hopefully I’ll have pictures for you soon, but in our race out the door to the airport we forgot the memory card for the camera. We’ve been meaning to get a back-up card anyway, so if we can find on on offer here in Frisco, we’ll have pictures of the vacation and the recent knitting.

I hope you’re all still enjoying a merry holiday season and getting a little extra chance to knit!

8 Comments to “Season’s progress”

  1. minnie Comment Says:

    merry christmas! you’ll have to post a pic of the hat, cuz that yarn is yummy!

  2. Jen Comment Says:

    Have a wonderful vacation, Sarah!

  3. Michelle Comment Says:

    Oh Sarah! Lucky for you to be in Colorado (though unlucky for me since I so hoped to see you at Close Knit tonight!!) I hope you have a great time and get both a lot of time on the slopes and a lot of time with the knits!

    Please tell me more about the retro brioche hat!

  4. gleek Comment Says:

    how fun to be in colorado for the big snow! looks like they’re gonna get dumped on again. i’m glad that you’re relaxing and enjoying your vacation.

    merry christmas and happy new year to you both!

  5. loribird Comment Says:

    I can’t wait to see your knitting! I’ve been on a handspun kick lately, and enjoy seeing what other people do with theirs…

    I tagged you for a meme, check on my blog for details…

  6. brooke Comment Says:

    Your handspun is so pretty, love those bowls too. Best wishes in the New Year!

  7. Debby Comment Says:

    Merry Christmas and have a wonderful vacation!

  8. Katie Comment Says:

    Happy birthday to Mr. Garter! I hope you had some fun times in CO.